ocr: GIF Decoder by Bob Montgomery 1-22-87 Notes: 1. nuc = next valid code. Init oldcode. decoder == color == (color) new_code 2.A 3.Colors code be the is are OUTPUT encoder pushed decomposed last saw first, onto them. into a a which stack is string so the of they order colors can Get new_code Printicolor) 4. Init decoder: codesize == bits/pixel + 1 clear-code == 1 << bit/pixel Get new_code min_code end_code = = end_code clear-code + 1 + - 1 code E new_code max_code = clear-code << 1 Is it the next valid code? 5. lf nvc == codesize > end_code 12, Init +1 decoder Eocan enuc? code == old_code t was a ...